When starting out Quantity > Quality

To be good at something, we always need to put in the reps.

When we are just a beginner at something, putting too much emphasis on quality might stop us from making progress and get things done because we are afraid of creating something of low quality.

By shifting our mindset to focus on quantity, we can put in the effort and over time we will get better at something and the quality of work will also gradually improve.

Ali Abdaal talks about when first starting up a YouTube channel, we must at least make 30 videos before even thinking about the quality of our video.

Alex Hormozi talks about ignorance debt where most of our progress in the beginning is use to pay off this debt and as our skills and judgement gets better only then can we trade them in exchange with cash.

Looking back at myself now, I always feel that my product is not as good as the established players, that I am just replicating other people's features and I do not have a defensible business moat.

However, the way to create great products is by making progress every single day. Never stop honing on my coding and marketing skill and I believe one day when the opportunity arises I will be able to get hold of it.