Leetcode Pattern: Sliding Windows
Expand window -> Check window validity -> If not valid shrink window until valid -> (repeat process)
How to study
- Understand Neetcode's solution to Leetcode#3
- Understand the framework below, compare between the framework and Leetcode#3 solution.
A = {}
l, r = 0, 0
result = 0
# increase right pointer (expand window)
for r in range(len(input_string)):
# CODE: use A[r] to update state which might make window invalid
# check whether window valid, if invalid we keep shrinking window until valid
while (valid_criteria):
# not valid
# CODE: update state using A[l]
# CODE: increase left pointer (shrink window)
# CODE: max window size
Leetcode#3 Solution:
def longest_substring(s):
charSet = set()
l, r = 0, 0
result = 0
# increase right pointer (expand window)
for r in range(len(s)):
# check whether window is valid
while s[r] in charSet:
# update state using A[l]
# if not valid increase left pointer (shrink window) until valid
l += 1
# use A[r] to update state which might make window invalid
# max window size
result = max(result, r-l+1)
# if valid continue increase right pointer (expand window)
return result